Kind of cheating a bit here as this is an older piece that I actually had put up on my Facebook profile, but it seems appropriately timed so re-posting in here:
So here's the deal...
I am a Christian. That is, I am a follower of Jesus Christ who is my Lord and my Savior. You, the reader, may or may not be. It is because of His birth, life, death and resurrection that I have life beyond just having air going in and out of my lungs every couple of seconds. So in a very real way, every day I live is both Christmas and Easter to me.
Perhaps you do not believe. Ok. Allow me to point out a couple of things for you.
Well known verse - John 3:16 "For God so loved the world He sent His one and only Son..."
Just because you do not believe, does not change the fact that that event has happened.
Jesus died on the cross to pay the price for YOUR sins.
Whether you believe it or not, that event has happened as well.
There is nothing you have ever done that He will not forgive if you turn to Him.
Whether you believe it or not, that is true.
"ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23) ... again, whether you believe that or not does not make it any less true.
"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9). Again, true, whether or not you choose to believe it is up to you.
The truth is not the truth because you choose to believe it or not. The truth is the truth because it is true.
If you choose to believe that east is actually north, that does not make it so. The world does not care where you think or feel north is. North is north.
"every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God."(Romans 14:11)
Does not say every believer does it? Eventually, all will stand before Him and have to make an account of their lives on this world. But you have a choice. You do not have to step up all alone. Christ Jesus will stand before you and intercede on your behalf - kind of like giving you immunity; and regardless of the life you have lived, you will have LIFE.
But you do not have to believe it.
But that does not make it any less true.
While people are busy writing notes about whether to say happy holidays or merry Christmas, consider this my Christmas message.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)
Why The "Panicking Christian"?
Like most Christians, I occasionally find myself in a borderline, all out panic about something which I already knew, but seem to have forgotten or that I only knew in my head, as opposed to my heart. And mercifully, God decides to show me what is really going on or what it is that I needed to know, before I completely lose my mind.
So the writing within is just that. It is that which God has shown and taught me while I was typically in one of those times in my life. Since the way in which He has chosen to reveal things to me tend to be fairly easy to follow and understand, I am sharing them via this format. That said, I take no glory for any of this. It is God whom has given me the ability to write, and it is He who has given me the content to write as well and He who saved me by His glorious grace in the first place.
So the writing within is just that. It is that which God has shown and taught me while I was typically in one of those times in my life. Since the way in which He has chosen to reveal things to me tend to be fairly easy to follow and understand, I am sharing them via this format. That said, I take no glory for any of this. It is God whom has given me the ability to write, and it is He who has given me the content to write as well and He who saved me by His glorious grace in the first place.
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