Why The "Panicking Christian"?

Like most Christians, I occasionally find myself in a borderline, all out panic about something which I already knew, but seem to have forgotten or that I only knew in my head, as opposed to my heart. And mercifully, God decides to show me what is really going on or what it is that I needed to know, before I completely lose my mind.

So the writing within is just that. It is that which God has shown and taught me while I was typically in one of those times in my life. Since the way in which He has chosen to reveal things to me tend to be fairly easy to follow and understand, I am sharing them via this format. That said, I take no glory for any of this. It is God whom has given me the ability to write, and it is He who has given me the content to write as well and He who saved me by His glorious grace in the first place.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


So it has been a few days since have posted, but have no fear am still here.

So what is it that is on my mind today? Well, the changes we go through during our walk with God. Kind of a far reaching topic but am only focusing on a part of it.

Now we all know that there are many traits which God desires His children to possess. Like any earthly parent, He desires His children to "grow up" to be of good character. The unfortunate part of this can be our response to this desire. Let's use self-control as an example.

Now self-control on its' own can be a good thing, but it is hardly always a Spirit enabled trait. Muslims and Buddhists exercise self-control all the time. New recruits in basic training learn self-control. Those who may gather for a Tuesday night meeting at Weight Watchers also exhibit self-control. So what is the difference between these, earthly examples of self-control and say the self-control that comes from the influence of the Holy Spirit in our lives?

There are no shortage of believers who, when they start to think they may need more self-control in their lives (or any other trait), will do the very same thing as those listed above. They will focus on what they desire or think they need and try to force it into being. Does not exactly sound Spirit enabled, does it? Probably, because it is not.

New neighbors have moved in next door. After that little awkward phase that comes with meeting new people (for many of us anyways), you find that you really like them. You have a number of shared interests and you just seem to click. You find yourself spending a fair bit of time together. After a while, someone points out that you have taken on some of their mannerisms. You did not intentionally try to start acting like them or using terms they use. It just happened as a result of you spending time with them - with you focusing your time and attention on them.

If you had of intentionally been trying to force yourself to be like them, you would be merely mimicking them, but by focusing on them as a person, you have actually changed a slight bit.

This is the difference.

We, as followers of Christ, are not changed by forcing ourselves into change. We are changed because we spend time with Him. It is out intentional focus on Him that causes the change - and that change being that we start to take on His traits. So it is not by focusing on the trait that we change but rather by focusing our attention on our Lord that we change. I know for myself, that the biggest changes in me have come not by brooding over my own short comings but rather, by spending more intentional time with God - putting more time, energy and focus into my relationship with Him.

So if you are seeking to be more Christ-like, do not focus on what you see that is not right or that you think needs changing. Instead, try putting a bit more effort into spending more time with the one you want to be like. You may find those efforts far more effective and life changing than anything else you could focus on.

May the grace of God keep you well.

(A thank you to Steve Adams (Faith Baptist Church lead pastor), who, through our discussion recently, helped in making this post possible)

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