Why The "Panicking Christian"?

Like most Christians, I occasionally find myself in a borderline, all out panic about something which I already knew, but seem to have forgotten or that I only knew in my head, as opposed to my heart. And mercifully, God decides to show me what is really going on or what it is that I needed to know, before I completely lose my mind.

So the writing within is just that. It is that which God has shown and taught me while I was typically in one of those times in my life. Since the way in which He has chosen to reveal things to me tend to be fairly easy to follow and understand, I am sharing them via this format. That said, I take no glory for any of this. It is God whom has given me the ability to write, and it is He who has given me the content to write as well and He who saved me by His glorious grace in the first place.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Image is Everything

Let's try something:  I will say (write) something and you see what kind of picture pops into your mind initially.  Do not try to think first, just go with first images.  Got it?  Okay, here we go.


Saved or unsaved, that will bring a certain image to mind.  What image it brings can, and does, play a huge role in our lives.  Let's try another before moving on.


Again, we should have an image of not only appearance but character and behaviors in our minds.  And again, this will affect us and our lives a great deal.

So what did you picture when you first thought of God before you had a chance to try and think of "the right image"?  Did you picture some old guy, sitting in a cloud - lightning bolt in hand - just waiting for a chance to "smite" someone?  If you did, then who you pictured would be more akin to Zeus than the God of the Bible.  (The Greek gods were not good by the way - most were almost like naughty super heroes with mental issues - seriously unstable - plus they could die and stay dead, not a great feature in a god if you ask me.)

Maybe that is not what you pictured.  Maybe you pictured some "entity" far, far, far away - totally removed and unconcerned with measly details of human life.  If so, that  hardly lines up with the passionate, compassionate, involved and concerned image of God that the bible portrays.  Never far removed from the affairs of man.  Involved in every tiny detail, not just the grand expansive ones.  After all, He refers to us as His children and as the "apple of His eye".

Okay so maybe you picture Him as being there and involved but He just lets everything slide - the good, the bad and the ugly.  We do what we want, when we want and He does not really care one way or the other - we get patted in the back no matter what.  The Bible tells us that He loves us and we, who are saved, are adopted into His family as dearly loved children (Ephesians 1:5).  It also tells us that He disciplines those He loves (Hebrews 12:6).  So it is not overly likely He is going to let us just do our own thing without there being consequences involved for that would show indifference, not love.  Oh, He will not go for overkill and He will give us chance after chance to figure it out on our own, but when we are obviously not getting it, He will -  and He does - step in.  With any luck we learn fast,  but sometimes we do not - we get stubborn - and He starts upping the consequences in the here and now to save us from ourselves.

Those are just a few things that may, or may not, come to mind when we think of Who God is.  But it does not take much to realize how our image of Him could easily influence our faith and our very lives.

I would end here, but I also included Jesus in our list above so we will  hit on a couple with Him specifically in mind.

So what about it, what do you picture?  Is it the image of the solemn, slow moving, robed monk like figure - always talking softly and slowly?  Of the many things the Pharisees said about Him, one was accusing Him and the disciples of being gluttons and drunks - hanging out with the people on the "wrong side of the tracks" (Matthew 11:19).  Chances are, if the "monk" image were correct, they probably would not have said that.  They likely would not have had anywhere near as major an issue with Him actually.  Biblically speaking, Jesus was more like the "common man" than any higher or ultra religious class.

What about when He returns - He is returning after all.  What do you picture?  Is it the image of some kind of 1960's era hippie with flowers in His hair spouting off about peace and love?  If that's the case, allow me to make a brief suggestion.  Take a few and go through the Old and New Testaments and read what it says about how things are going to go down when he returns - the day of Lord.  That day will not be a "rainbows and ponies" kind of day - He is not coming back with a bouquet of flowers, but a sword as He returns to take back what is rightfully His - namely, the Church.  The day He cleared the temple (John 2:13-16) will pale by comparison.

I have only shown a few and surely there are probably as many views as there are people to have them for we are all different after all and, unfortunately so, we tend to try and make Him out to be how we want Him to be as opposed to how He really is.  Considering just how massively an impact our view of God can influence our life, our approach to sin and rebellion against God, our approach to God Himself and every other imaginable aspect, it is actually pretty important for us to have an actual, true picture of Whom it is we really serve.

Just something to think about.

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