Why The "Panicking Christian"?

Like most Christians, I occasionally find myself in a borderline, all out panic about something which I already knew, but seem to have forgotten or that I only knew in my head, as opposed to my heart. And mercifully, God decides to show me what is really going on or what it is that I needed to know, before I completely lose my mind.

So the writing within is just that. It is that which God has shown and taught me while I was typically in one of those times in my life. Since the way in which He has chosen to reveal things to me tend to be fairly easy to follow and understand, I am sharing them via this format. That said, I take no glory for any of this. It is God whom has given me the ability to write, and it is He who has given me the content to write as well and He who saved me by His glorious grace in the first place.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Is It Sinking In Yet?

Over the years, I have written out more than a couple of truths which are important for us, as followers of Christ, to take in and make a reality within our lives.  Actually, the fact that they are truths is what makes them important.  It also makes them worth reminding of from time to time as we do tend to suffer from some short term memory loss now and again.

Let's try something together for a moment.  Read, out loud, the following (no, you do not have to read the scripture reference) and say your name where prompted:

I <Your Name> am the salt of the earth (Matt.5:13)
I <Your Name> am a child of God (John 1:12)
I <Your Name> am Christ's friend (John 15:15)
I <Your Name> am a new creation (2 Cor.5:17)
I <Your Name> am righteous and holy (Eph. 4:24)
I <Your Name> am a child of light, not of darkness (1 Thess.5:5)

So how did that feel?  Any of those give you an issue to read and say out loud?  Now here is the funny thing:  they are all true.  Every single one of them.  If you are a believer, then yes, every word you just spoke out loud is true.  To quote an author by the name of Neil Anderson, "Being Christian is not just a matter of getting something; it is a matter of being someone".  Think about that for a moment.  Who we were prior to salvation is not who we are after salvation.  We are born again.  A brand new creation.

This is important.  How we view ourselves and our God is what makes all the difference here.  After all, if you view yourself as worthless, then you will act like someone who is worthless.  But are you actually worthless?  Well, let's see now.  The God of all creation, the Alpha and Omega, stepped down from heaven, took on the form of a human being, complete with all of our feelings - that includes physical ones.  I am not female so I do not know the pain of child birth, but I have heard it said about how much pain can be involved.  Somehow I suspect that brutal flogging, beating and then crucifixion may hurt more than that again.  But He did this so that a way could be made for YOUR debt to be paid in full.  So that you may be made new and have life to the fullest, both here and after death.  I get a funny feeling He does not consider you worthless.  Sounds more like priceless to me.

Our view of Christ is also a pretty big one as well.  I do not mean view as in Him as divine or the fact that He is alive (actually alive) right now.  I mean more in the sense of where He actually is in relation to us, even as we sit and read this page.  Here is a couple of verses from scripture but they should help to get the point across.

"'I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever— the Spirit of truth...you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. I will not leave you as orphans'" ~ John 14:17-18

"... I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” ~ Matthew 28:20

The Holy Spirit is as much God as both Father and Son are.  Matter of fact, it is He (the Spirit) whom Jesus went back to heaven to send down to us.  His Spirit is with us always.  Ponder that last word for a moment, if you will.  Always.  Not only when we are feeling down.  Not only when we are feeling happy.  Not only when we are praying.  Not only when we are in church.  Always.  Do we really get that?  Do we act like we actually believe that?  That whatever we are doing, whenever we are doing it, He is right there with us.  Whether that be something good like praying or helping out someone, or something less than good like checking out pornography on the internet or calling someone down.

The implications of actually, truly believing that tidbit of truth are massive.  Not just for how we behave when we are with others or when (think) we are alone.

Think about this.  We know that Jesus fed 5000 with about as much food as would feed 5, and fed them to the point of them being actually full.  If we truly believed He was with us right now, would we have even a hint of anxiousness about bills, or food in the cupboard or any other physical need?  Probably not.

In the book of Mark, we read how the boat Jesus was in was caught up in a massive storm.  Massive enough that men who made their living on those waters were fearful for their lives.  Did He panic?  No.  Instead, with but a word He caused the storm to suddenly (important to note that) stop.  Now since He can stop even the storm, and He is with us right now, should there be anything in this life or world which should cause us fear?  Would you be fearful or worried if you looked to your right and saw Him standing right beside you?  Again, probably not.  But He is right there, with you, right now at this very moment.  Do you understand this?  Do realize the truth in this?  Do you live it?

pray, with all my heart, that we may know these truths and believe them even more so than we believe that the sun is going to come up in the morning.  That we may believe them and act upon them.  That our lives are not based upon our own perception of who we are, but upon who God Himself says we are.   That we do not listen to one more single lie, whether it come from the enemy or from our own minds or any voice in the world around us.

"It is for freedom, that Christ has set us free" ~ Gal.5:1

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