Why The "Panicking Christian"?

Like most Christians, I occasionally find myself in a borderline, all out panic about something which I already knew, but seem to have forgotten or that I only knew in my head, as opposed to my heart. And mercifully, God decides to show me what is really going on or what it is that I needed to know, before I completely lose my mind.

So the writing within is just that. It is that which God has shown and taught me while I was typically in one of those times in my life. Since the way in which He has chosen to reveal things to me tend to be fairly easy to follow and understand, I am sharing them via this format. That said, I take no glory for any of this. It is God whom has given me the ability to write, and it is He who has given me the content to write as well and He who saved me by His glorious grace in the first place.

Monday, June 22, 2015

To Drive or to Draw - That is the Question

There has been a bit of "chatter", as of late, about people leaving the Church and there have been strategies galore coming out of the woodwork to stop 'believers' from leaving. But there have been a number of groups and organizations take a real serious look at this and have found, for the most part, that there are very few who are leaving the Church - that is, the Body.  Oh sure, there are believers who have left their local church but have not walked away from the Body itself, just as there has always been. However, there are many who are leaving the Church were never actually a part of it in the first place. Since there is no longer any social advantage or expectation to belong to the Church, many who do not actually fully believe are no longer pretending and are walking away.

Okay then, if the Christian Church is not dying, then why are there so many people outside of it versus those inside? What's the problem?

The problem, my dear Church, is you - it's us - we have to change.

It is not our beliefs - in Christ, God, the Bible, right or wrong - we have to change.  It is not the style of music we play or the clothes we wear that we must change.  It is not where we meet or when that we must change. It is "us".

We who say "come as you are" and then demand that those who come become "like us" as soon as they walk through the doors. The only One we are to become like is Christ (and that even not by our own efforts, but by His) and I put it to you that not one of us is a perfect example of Him. We try to place heavy loads upon the shoulders of people that we, ourselves, could not hope to carry (Acts 15:10). And in this, in this we drive them away from us in droves, for we claim to follow Christ, but we act like a Pharisee - self righteous and full of ourselves (which is pride, by the way) - standing upon our "rule following abilities" (there are oodles of people who can follow rules which have no belief in God) rather than the grace and mercy of Almighty God towards we who are as screwed up and flawed as anyone.

The problem is not how we "do church". The problem is not relevance or God. The problem is not society (the one we live in is not "that" much different than Rome was in Jesus' day) or the culture around us. The problem is "our" hearts and "our" minds - we are not drawing them in, we are pushing them away.

Now then, I cannot tell you what is in  your heart any more than you can say what is in mine - only God knows that.  I can say though that if any of this has struck a chord with you or has resulted in you becoming a bit defiant, then perhaps you should honestly (and that means willing to listen even if it means hearing something you would rather not) pray as David did and ask God to search your heart and mind for you. To reveal those things which should not be and then, then "allow Him" to make the changes as He sees fit.

I do not know if I shall see the "end of days", but I know I shall see the end of my days, just as you will see the end of yours and none of us has a clue when that will be. We do not have time for this...time is something we do not have...no one does. I am a part of you, and you Church, are a part of me and I love you desperately ... we must change before our time is gone and it is too late.

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Once in a while, one may find themselves craving chocolate or candy or other such tidbit but hardly is it a constant thing.  Until, that is, you decide it is time to lose a few pounds for then the craving for such things becomes far more frequent. Even the chocolate bars at the supermarket checkout seem to call out your name as you attempt to walk past.

Before my own salvation, I am suspect I committed every sin in the book a time or two and felt the draw to continue in them.  After though, after that moment in time the lure and call of such things - and surely even new sins - seemed to become even more noticeable and yes, even frequent.  Perhaps it was merely the knowledge that such things were sinful that made them 'appear' to be more frequent or perhaps it was the sin that was within my heart being just that - sin - and in that being utterly sinful (for can sin be anything other than what it is?).

How I would so love to say that since that day, now years ago, I have lived and shown the very epitome of Christ in my behaviors and, more importantly, my dealings with - and reactions to - other people. I would so love to ... but I cannot. Far too often (at all is too often) I have shown the very vileness of humanity to people whom I have cared about instead of the likeness of the One who saw fit to breathe life into me that day. Perhaps such an admission is a bit to "human" for some within the Church, but that does not make it less true.

This is not for any "pat on the back", for any "there there's", for any pity or sympathy any more than it is to serve myself on a platter for those would stand in judgment over me, my words or my actions.  This, this is two fold:

1. My honest, deepest apologies to those whom I have wronged and/or shown that side of me which I truly wish did not exist at all. I have no excuses for things done/said.

2. In spite of all of this, my God - my King, my Lord - has never, ever left me. He has never struck me with lightning, stricken me with <whatever>, turned on me or against me. He has always remained true to form and character - proving His compassion for the likes me over and over and over again. Even when I have tried (and I have) to walk (run) away from Him, He never left my side or left me to fend for myself - even though I surely deserved it.

....And He won't leave you either...

Take it from someone who knows.


Sometimes I ponder why, exactly, God prompts to me post/share such as my posting. After all, it is not exactly flattering nor easy to bare oneself that way. There are even people who believe it is not right or proper of me or someone pursuing a calling into the 'pastoral charge' to say things such as this - they seem to feel that the "pastor" should be the shiny, polished finished product (unless the heavens should be torn wide and Christ steps down and takes a place behind the pulpit of your church, there is no "finished" or "perfect" one there - just another person, like you). I know because they have said such to me. So why then, if this "revelation of personal humanity" is so wrong, does He have me do it?

If we are spending no small amount of our time trying to keep our mask on, keep up the appearance and keep our skeletons in our closets, then we cannot be following the 2 commands which Christ gave us in Matthew 22:37-39 - at least not near as completely as we want to think we are.

Ponder that for a while.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Prosperous Social Share

A lot of "chatter" about what has become known as the "prosperity gospel" prompted me to try and figure it out - even partially so.  Below is a post from my social media page (Facebook) about that.  It is hardly complete and there are many other questions and answers, but it is a start.

I have been trying to figure out the "prosperity gospel" - you know the "version" which we see around us that seems aimed at health, wealth and happiness and includes phrases like "God wants you to have that new car/boat/house/big promotion/etc" and "you were made for greatness/popularity/power/etc, just declare that and it will become reality" and other of the like. And it seems insane to me.

I mean, what about all those passionate, on fire believers in places like Asia and Africa who are so madly in love with Christ that they are willing to die (and many have) rather than deny Him who live in, well, poverty - that is poverty even by their cultures standards. Does that mean they do not have enough faith??

What about the "heroes" of the Christian faith over the years who have passed on owning all but nothing to their names and having never owned much of anything (people like Mother Teresa, John Wesley, etc) - did they just not have enough faith?

What about the Apostles in the Bible? All but one of them were executed and the one who was not was exiled after they tried to but failed. I cannot recall seeing where they lived in huge estates with dozens of servants. Maybe they just did not know enough to "name it and claim it". Obviously, Jesus did not know enough to do so either since He was (for all intensive purposes) homeless during His earthly ministry.

Then it hits me: perhaps, perhaps there has been a grievous misunderstanding. What misunderstanding, you may ask?

The very wrong idea that God exists for the happiness of humanity. For if one were to take that stance (as insane as it sounds), then the "prosperity gospel" would make complete sense. However, if one were to take the stance that humanity exists for God, then that "version of the gospel" makes no sense at all.