Why The "Panicking Christian"?

Like most Christians, I occasionally find myself in a borderline, all out panic about something which I already knew, but seem to have forgotten or that I only knew in my head, as opposed to my heart. And mercifully, God decides to show me what is really going on or what it is that I needed to know, before I completely lose my mind.

So the writing within is just that. It is that which God has shown and taught me while I was typically in one of those times in my life. Since the way in which He has chosen to reveal things to me tend to be fairly easy to follow and understand, I am sharing them via this format. That said, I take no glory for any of this. It is God whom has given me the ability to write, and it is He who has given me the content to write as well and He who saved me by His glorious grace in the first place.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Long Days Snipits

Media Updates
I have no clue where you are in life or what is going on in your world at this very moment. I do know some things though. I know, personally speaking, that there are things which God has told and shown me about a fair few things in the realm of the "yet to come". I do not mean like end of the world stuff, I mean personal things, situations, circumstances, etc. Now, like most, I want to be there now for some, if not all, of these. Yet I do realize that there are things which must happen first - things which cannot happen instantly no matter how much I may want them too sometimes. And while I would love to say I have always hung on faithfully and patiently waited, I really cannot do so. There have been times in which I have looked at where I am at now or circumstances that seem impossible and have tried to look away from what I know He has said - yes, I admit that I, in some of those moments of doubt, have tried to harden my own heart and close my eyes to what God said about <whatever>. The result: frankly each time left me feeling quite "icky" for lack of a better way to put it. That is, until I realized that I was looking at people, events and circumstance from my own limited point of view and put my faith back where it belonged in the first place: in God. If He said it, He will do it.

So today, should you find yourself feeling discouraged or starting to think "maybe God did not say..." or "what's the point, it will never happen" or whatever, take a bit of encouragement from this. One, you are not alone since obviously at least one other person (yours truly) has been there more than once. And two, that God does not change - He did not change His character suddenly 'just for you' and decide He lied or was just yanking your chain. You knew what He said before, remember today Who it was that said it and put your faith in Him, not in what you can see from where you are right now. Our God "is" faithful and He "will" come through for us. Every time.

"After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before." ~ Job 42:10

We all have periods of trouble in our lives - some that others can see, some that are only known between us and God. And during these times, we can easily get caught up in constantly praying for ourselves, forgetting all about everyone else in our world. So it may well be worth the note that it was not after he pleaded and begged for help for himself that God restored Job, but after he had prayed for his friends.

So if you find yourself in a place of turmoil today and find your prayers seem somewhat self centered, perhaps a change may be in order

Hey! If you are reading this, then that means you are on Facebook (or some other social media) and likely have a friends (or contact) list filled with people who could likely use a word of prayer even if nothing more than asking for the Lord to bless them. Just a thought.

God is the God of today so stay here, in the now, with Him. Do not spend every moment reliving past mistakes or glories for you shall not be able to see where you are at now or where you are going. Neither spend all your time dreading a future you can neither see nor even know you shall be in at all, for again, you shall miss all that is the present. Accept and learn from your past, have hope and faith in God for the future, and live, with Him, in and for today.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Mr Popular

"Yea, when thou follows Me, thou shalt have it all - every tiny thing your earthly heart desires.  Thou shalt have so much money you will not be able to walk straight and possessions beyond your wildest dreams, not too mention massive popularity, friends and universal acceptance and every other lust you have always wanted but felt to guilty about to ever go after, and the last thing you will ever, ever have have is any form of trouble."

Now there is a good chance that, when you read the above, you will raise an eyebrow and go "Really??!" for it just sounds so ridiculous.  However, there really are people who preach that and not exactly a shortage of them either.  And we, more often than we want to admit to it, think that way now and then.

So what are we told, if not the above?  We are told we will have trouble for one, but not to fear it (John 16:33).  We are told (more than once) that God disciplines those He loves as children (Hebrews 12:6) and discipline, as we should all know, does not tend to be pleasant during the process.  We are told that  friendship with the world and all it has to offer makes one in opposition to God (James 4:4).

Need more?  Take a good look at the apostle Paul.

Paul, previous to his surrendering of his life to Christ, was a pharisee, and not a bottom of the pile one either.  He had it all for the day and place he was in.  Power, money, influence, prestige, friends, popularity - you name it, he had it.  And afterwards?  Afterwards he borders on constantly homeless, hunted by former peers and friends alike, hated by no small number of people, tossed into prison more than once and eventually, beheaded.  From a worldly perspective, Paul's life did not get better it got worse.  However, from an eternal perspective, he gained massively and did not regret that decision even at the end of his days (2 Timothy 4: 7-8).  He even went so far as to say that everything he had gained in the world, he counted as loss (Philippians 3:8).  This is not even getting into the prophets in the Old Testament (no one ever seemed to like them, but they certainly got results).

"Uh, Troy, you are not making much of a case to follow Christ there bud, maybe you should just stick with all the good grace and mercy stuff."

To what end?  So that people would think they are going to say a quick prayer and then everything is just going to instantly come up roses like some cross between winning a lottery and moving into the playboy mansion?  So that, when this does not happen, they fall away but yet still think all is good because they said a few words once upon a time?  Or perhaps when they have to choose between following God and being popular with people or the opposite sex, they quickly chose a very wrong direction?  Or maybe, when things start to go seemingly wrong in their lives they turn on themselves thinking there must be something horribly wrong with them, or that they do not have enough faith, or maybe begin thinking that Jesus will forgive everyone except them?

No thanks, I think I will pass on the false promises of earthly delights and popularity if that is okay with you.

Even Jesus Himself urges us to count the cost of following Him, to ensure we do not start then just walk away (Luke 14: 28-29).

Is not all doom and gloom though.  God does promise to take care of us numerous times (Matthew 6: 25-34).  He promises to never, ever leave us (Hebrews 13:5), that nothing can separate us from Him (Romans 8: 38-39), that He does (not might, but does) work out everything for the good of those who follow Him (Romans 8:28) and with Him there is real freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17).  And oodles upon oodles of other things far too numerous to get into in here. 

We are not promised "the easy life", but we are promised one well worth the living. And if you are a believer and things seem to be going not that great at the moment, take heart and know it is for a reason.  Perhaps, something in your life that needs looking at, perhaps God is trying to get your attention or perhaps the enemy sees you as a threat or some other reason far beyond either of our understandings, but it is, indeed, for a reason and God is always with you.  Remember who you are (Galatians 3:26), Whom it is you belong to (1 Corinthians 6: 19-20) and stand your ground (1 Peter 5:9, 1 Corinthians 16:13, Ephesians 6:13).


God may give reason and purpose to bad things which come along but He does not make bad things good - there is a difference there and an important one.  Felt that worth adding on.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Of Note

Few little clips from my social media page

"...since we have been made right in God’s sight by faith, we have peace with God because of what Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us [and] because of our faith, Christ has brought us into this place of undeserved privilege where we now stand" ~ Romans 5: 1-2

Sometimes it is hard to remember that we do not deserve what we have been given. We never deserved to be saved in the first place and we never deserved to have the privilege of not only knowing God, but being known by Him. Even John the baptist, who had the Spirit upon him in the womb (Luke 1:15), did not consider himself worthy of Christ (John 1:27). What we deserved and what we have been given are vastly different. Praise be to God for His amazing grace and mercy upon we, who surely do not deserve a single drop of it.


In this day and age, we have oodles and oodles of books, videos, studies and programs about God and what the Bible says. While many are indeed, wonderful, none of those are a substitute for the actual Word of God. After all, what God says to me may be totally different than what He speaks to you at a given time or situation. And we have many wonderful stories and emotional testimonies and those too have their place but again, they are no substitute for the Bible in the life of a believer. So if you have not opened yours lately, perhaps it is time to do so - see what God has to say rather than what someone else has to say about Him.

"All Scripture is God-breathed.." ~ 2 Tim. 3:16
"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away." ~ Matthew 24:35
"The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever." ~ Isaiah 40:8


A sobering thought.

I once heard it said that "we may be in heaven before we ever know how many people are there because of us", which is quite the pleasant thought and is likely, quite true. There is another side though - "how many are NOT there because of us" - not near so pleasant a thought yet, most likely, equally true.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Gut Check

No one likes to hear or read anything that gives them pause to consider/reconsider their own spiritual state and Christians are no exception. We read/hear something that implies we should check ourselves out in the mirror - to see if we truly believe what we claim to believe or if we are living the life we should be - and we do not always react well and we go on either the offensive or the defensive.  Truth be told though, it is not a bad idea now and then.  After all, if you were on a diet/exercise plan to lose 10kg before swimsuit season, would you not check your progress now and then, and if you found weight gain rather than loss, perhaps recheck what you are doing.

I realize that implying we need to check ourselves and our spiritual state beyond just repeating "well, I know I am saved because..." does not tend to make one popular, especially when it comes from someone as imperfect as yours truly.  But honestly, I would rather tick you off now and share a coffee with you in heaven, than spend ten thousand years looking for you there, only to find you missing.

"Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter" ~ Matthew 7:21

*the above was done on my Facebook status as well*