December 27th, 2010 - another year has almost come to an end.
For myself, I find that God tends to give me some direction, purpose or task somewhere near the start of the new year. I look forward to it to be truthful - even if sometimes it seems a bit overwhelming. But this is not the new year yet, so this will not be about new directions or anything of the like.
Looking back over the last several months that have been 2010, I find myself pondering a bit. This has also come about due to recent conversations about events over the past year with others (bound to be a chat or two occur over the Christmas season). So this is what I have come to notice.
With the numerous major natural disasters that have occurred. The constant conflict in some parts of the world, not to mention the threat of more conflicts in the future (having grown up during the "cold war" era, the term "nuke" tends to get my attention - how about you?) in even more areas of the planet. Diseases and crimes on the rise. The near constant term "terrorism" that is heard on the evening news. Not to mention the unspeakable debt that some of the major countries of this world have been racking up as the economy worldwide trembles to its' very core.
With all that (and more), I have to tell you: if I did not know the Lord - that is, if I did not have a relationship with my Lord and Savior, Christ Jesus - I would be scared bloody stiff to see another year come. I mean seriously now. If I had to look back at the last 12 months on this planet and all I had to lean on was me, myself and I or maybe how much I had saved in the bank or what I owned or my health or, well, any other ME thing, I would be scared out of my ever loving mind. To blazes with grabbing a bottle of wine and partying on New Year's Eve. May still grab the wine but bigger chance that would just hide under my bed and tremble.
But for me, like many others, that is not the case. I do know my Lord. My trust is in Him and Him alone (although to be honest, my eyes do wander from time to time when the "waves" seem especially high).
A few years back, God led me to Isaiah 8:12~“Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it." Got to admit, pretty much hits the nail on the head, does it not. Especially when you look at it from the believers point of view - that is, looking at it keeping the sovereign will of God in mind. More so when you consider passages such as Matthew 24:6~"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come."
Will we see the end of things? No idea. Maybe.
Mixed thoughts on maybe things happening while I live and breathe. One on hand, a great excitement, even yearning. Fear does not even come close to describing the other. I have heard, more than a few, people pray for our Lord to come. Not only in the sense of an anointing presence of the Spirit, but also in the sense of His full on return. I question those people. The day that God finally says "enough" - the predetermined date of wrath - is not going to be a fun, happy event. Luke 23:29~"For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the childless women, the wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!" I wonder how often that verse gets read without anyone stopping to think that the only reason a childless woman would be considered blessed, would be because she would not have to see her children suffer and die.
You know, all considered - if one were to look around; consider where the world is right now; read the bible - one should rightfully be on the brink of panic. That is, if one did not know the Lord that is. For those of us who do know Him, we must keep our eyes on Him. We have to remember that all of this is akin to "birth pains" and that God is in control. It is that knowledge that keeps us on firm ground while those around us start to sink. But it also should have another effect. Simply put, it should fill us with urgency. An urgency that stems from the knowledge that time is running out and there is so much yet to do - so many left to seek out for our Father.
As we see things happening around us, both in the spiritual and physical, we must step it up, not lie down and wait. The work day is waning away on us.
So if you're saved, keep your eyes locked on Him and kick it into high gear (after all - "the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night."~ 1 Thess. 5:2) . If you are not on the other hand, perhaps you should reconsider your position slightly in light of how things seem to be going as of late. After all, God never changes, never leaves - everything else on the other hand...
Why The "Panicking Christian"?
Like most Christians, I occasionally find myself in a borderline, all out panic about something which I already knew, but seem to have forgotten or that I only knew in my head, as opposed to my heart. And mercifully, God decides to show me what is really going on or what it is that I needed to know, before I completely lose my mind.
So the writing within is just that. It is that which God has shown and taught me while I was typically in one of those times in my life. Since the way in which He has chosen to reveal things to me tend to be fairly easy to follow and understand, I am sharing them via this format. That said, I take no glory for any of this. It is God whom has given me the ability to write, and it is He who has given me the content to write as well and He who saved me by His glorious grace in the first place.
So the writing within is just that. It is that which God has shown and taught me while I was typically in one of those times in my life. Since the way in which He has chosen to reveal things to me tend to be fairly easy to follow and understand, I am sharing them via this format. That said, I take no glory for any of this. It is God whom has given me the ability to write, and it is He who has given me the content to write as well and He who saved me by His glorious grace in the first place.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
So what does that mean anyways?
So there has been something that has been driving me batty for a bit now, and before you ask, it is not the same thing that God has been addressing in the previous post.
My primary spoken and written language is english. And I have to tell you, sometimes it drives me crazy - the english language that is. It is so "point blank" sometimes I find. Like a cousin of mine who was living in Japan sent me a Christmas card one year that had a greeting in Japanese. They spent quite a few lines attempting to convey the meaning and emotion of a few simple characters. But I am not writing to rant about the very language I use. This is about "meaning". That is, the meaning of words.
I have found that many of us use terms all the time that really, we do not even know the meaning of. Even in Christian circles it happens. Take grace, mercy and love for example. There are lots of people who can use those in a sentence correctly or can give an example, but to give a definition is another story. On that note, do yourself a favor and do a quick word study on those three terms.
But it is not those words which have been on my mind for so long now. The words which have plagued me are "weak" and "meek". Going by Webster's, weak is "not able to resist external force or withstand attack" (among other things). Meek on the other hand is "enduring injury with patience and without resentment."
To make it a bit clearer for you, an example.
If a child (say 10-ish) was locked alone in a room with an adult whose intention was to cause them harm, if they could not get away, they would have little choice but to take whatever was coming their way. Same ill intended adult locked in a room with another adult of similar size, is a different story. The one whom they attack has a choice. They may fight back, or take a punch and walk away, or cover up and take it, or run like mad. But they have CHOICE. And choice is the difference maker.
The meek will inherit the earth.
When they came to the garden so long ago to take our Lord away, one drew their weapon and struck one of those who had come. What was Jesus' response? From Matthew 26 : "“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?"
See that? Choice! He could have called and had an immensely superior force there in an instance. For that matter, He could have called fire from heaven or things far more numerous than we could come up with. But He did not.
Weak has no choice. Meek does. And it is that choice that makes one meek.
Ok, so now we have an idea that there is a difference between the terms and what that difference is. Now what?
Try this one - Psalm 82:3 "Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed."
How did we end up in this place? Not all, but any is too many really. This place where we see innocents and the weak being oppressed, attacked and crushed and we stand there and do NOTHING. Not even opening our mouths. And we dare to use "turn the other cheek" as an excuse for that. You know what? If someone slaps you, then you have a choice and we are told that choice should be to "turn the other cheek" rather than react in kind. If someone slaps someone helpless, for no reason other than they exist, right in front of us - our place is to defend them. If we choose to turn the other cheek after we step in the gap for them, then that is our choice to make. I cannot recall anyplace in scripture where we are told to stand back and do nothing while the weak and helpless are being crushed.
Be meek. Do not return evil with evil. Do not become consumed by vengeance or filled with resentment and judgments that are not yours to make. Choose. Make the choice, follow His lead. But remember, that is YOU and your choices. You cannot force that choice on someone who cannot defend themselves against evil. You are strong in the Lord remember. More than a conqueror. An heir with Christ. A full blown representative of our Father in heaven. Be meek...but defend the weak.
My primary spoken and written language is english. And I have to tell you, sometimes it drives me crazy - the english language that is. It is so "point blank" sometimes I find. Like a cousin of mine who was living in Japan sent me a Christmas card one year that had a greeting in Japanese. They spent quite a few lines attempting to convey the meaning and emotion of a few simple characters. But I am not writing to rant about the very language I use. This is about "meaning". That is, the meaning of words.
I have found that many of us use terms all the time that really, we do not even know the meaning of. Even in Christian circles it happens. Take grace, mercy and love for example. There are lots of people who can use those in a sentence correctly or can give an example, but to give a definition is another story. On that note, do yourself a favor and do a quick word study on those three terms.
But it is not those words which have been on my mind for so long now. The words which have plagued me are "weak" and "meek". Going by Webster's, weak is "not able to resist external force or withstand attack" (among other things). Meek on the other hand is "enduring injury with patience and without resentment."
To make it a bit clearer for you, an example.
If a child (say 10-ish) was locked alone in a room with an adult whose intention was to cause them harm, if they could not get away, they would have little choice but to take whatever was coming their way. Same ill intended adult locked in a room with another adult of similar size, is a different story. The one whom they attack has a choice. They may fight back, or take a punch and walk away, or cover up and take it, or run like mad. But they have CHOICE. And choice is the difference maker.
The meek will inherit the earth.
When they came to the garden so long ago to take our Lord away, one drew their weapon and struck one of those who had come. What was Jesus' response? From Matthew 26 : "“Put your sword back in its place,” Jesus said to him, “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?"
See that? Choice! He could have called and had an immensely superior force there in an instance. For that matter, He could have called fire from heaven or things far more numerous than we could come up with. But He did not.
Weak has no choice. Meek does. And it is that choice that makes one meek.
Ok, so now we have an idea that there is a difference between the terms and what that difference is. Now what?
Try this one - Psalm 82:3 "Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed."
How did we end up in this place? Not all, but any is too many really. This place where we see innocents and the weak being oppressed, attacked and crushed and we stand there and do NOTHING. Not even opening our mouths. And we dare to use "turn the other cheek" as an excuse for that. You know what? If someone slaps you, then you have a choice and we are told that choice should be to "turn the other cheek" rather than react in kind. If someone slaps someone helpless, for no reason other than they exist, right in front of us - our place is to defend them. If we choose to turn the other cheek after we step in the gap for them, then that is our choice to make. I cannot recall anyplace in scripture where we are told to stand back and do nothing while the weak and helpless are being crushed.
Be meek. Do not return evil with evil. Do not become consumed by vengeance or filled with resentment and judgments that are not yours to make. Choose. Make the choice, follow His lead. But remember, that is YOU and your choices. You cannot force that choice on someone who cannot defend themselves against evil. You are strong in the Lord remember. More than a conqueror. An heir with Christ. A full blown representative of our Father in heaven. Be meek...but defend the weak.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Now or Never?
So I cannot say when it happened exactly, because frankly, I do not know. Somewhere along the way, a change within myself has occurred. Granted there have been many changes over time, some I can see from this side, some others have to point out for me. But this is a change that I can see from within. By now, you may be wondering what change I see. Well, allow me to attempt an explanation.
The change I have noticed lately is an unwillingness to hurt or be hurt any longer than is truly necessary. Does not sound so odd, does it? Perhaps a bit of context will help.
There have been numerous times in my walk with God that He has changed something within me. Some of those times, He has done so completely without me realizing anything was going on or needed to go on for that matter. Those times are like someone seeing you for the first time in months and telling you "hey, you lost weight and look great" and you have been doing nothing intentional to get in better shape. Just kind of happens. Other times though, there have been things which He has shown me which require my attention. This is the variety that involves the change.
I strive to be honest in here and will do so now. Like I am certain others have done before me, there have been times in which He has shown me something - sometimes something huge (huge to me anyways) - that He wants to address or change and I have responded with "yeah yeah, I know" and have continued on my merry way. Why that response, your guess is about as good as mine. Maybe have been prone to the occasional stubborn streak in my day.
But that response has changed. Slowly but changed it has.
Once I was content to merely take info into my head, process it and carry on with life. I can say that, at least in more recent times, that is something that I just can no longer do. Sure I could, but I really do not want to.
For instance, there has been something He has recently been showing me from more than a couple of unrelated sources (don't you just love that). It is something which I can see is a character level thing and probably will have some real impact on my life, my walk and those around me. In my head I realized that the first time I saw it. And the second. And so on. But my response has not been to be content with that "head understanding" of what He has taken such pangs to reveal to me more than once. Instead my response to Him has been simple and direct. "I do not want this merely in my mind. I want this to be real, to understand and know this within my heart, not just thoughts in my head. Please God make this real, change me as only you can do." I have had several "talks" with Him that have gone very much like that.
See, someplace along the way, I came to a spot of not wanting to continue to suffer with whatever or of not wanting to possibly cause pain in others due to my unwillingness to, for lack of a better term here, go for it. Sure I know there can be some short term pain involved - change can be hard sometimes, but better short term once than that dull ache for years over and over again. Perhaps, as time has gone forward and I have gotten to know my Lord on a more personal level here, the desire to become more like Him has over ridden any fear of short term pain. Perhaps after seeing Him just "be there" without fail EVER over and over, I have become more willing to ignore the threat of fear or pain or change knowing that He will, again, be there.
Like I said before, I cannot say when that changed or with any solid reason why it changed other than it being a "God thing". I do however know it is necessary. Not just for me, but for you as well.
See as believers, we know (or tend to anyways) lots of scripture about how He will never leave us or forsake us. About how we are never alone in this world and how we are in the very palm of His hand and no one and nothing (not even our own stubbornness) can change that. All good stuff, but we tend to forget something.
1 Peter 1:24~"All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall"
Psalm 102:11~"My days are like the evening shadow; I wither away like grass."
There are other places as well, but those two should get the point across.
There is a part of us that is, in fact, immortal - part that will live on after our eyes close for that final time. But our eyes WILL close. Our life in and on this world does have an end. And we have NO IDEA when that end will come. God alone knows when the end of our days will be. So when He shows us something within ourselves, or someone whom He wants us to talk to or do something for, or maybe even some forgiveness issue that you have yet to deal with - perhaps a bit more urgency is in order. After all, not trying to be morbid here, but you and/or I could be gone from this life 5 minutes from now. We have no clue how long we have. There is a finite time in which He can show us "whatever or whomever" since we are finite.
Consider this on the heels of the above: say there is someone whom you keep being shown, whether that be in sharing the gospel or in a forgiveness setting or something else. If YOU are saved and die today you are with Him in glory. Yay for you (seriously). But - what happens if it is the other person whom passes away. What can you do then? I have little doubt that guilt will come calling in great measure. I do not know about you, but I am not overly fond of guilt.
The point is, don't wait. Honestly. If He wants to change you and He is showing you something, then go for it. Really. Better short term discomfort than missing a chance permanently. After all, we are hardly "here" forever - Philippians 3:20 "our citizenship is in heaven".
The change I have noticed lately is an unwillingness to hurt or be hurt any longer than is truly necessary. Does not sound so odd, does it? Perhaps a bit of context will help.
There have been numerous times in my walk with God that He has changed something within me. Some of those times, He has done so completely without me realizing anything was going on or needed to go on for that matter. Those times are like someone seeing you for the first time in months and telling you "hey, you lost weight and look great" and you have been doing nothing intentional to get in better shape. Just kind of happens. Other times though, there have been things which He has shown me which require my attention. This is the variety that involves the change.
I strive to be honest in here and will do so now. Like I am certain others have done before me, there have been times in which He has shown me something - sometimes something huge (huge to me anyways) - that He wants to address or change and I have responded with "yeah yeah, I know" and have continued on my merry way. Why that response, your guess is about as good as mine. Maybe have been prone to the occasional stubborn streak in my day.
But that response has changed. Slowly but changed it has.
Once I was content to merely take info into my head, process it and carry on with life. I can say that, at least in more recent times, that is something that I just can no longer do. Sure I could, but I really do not want to.
For instance, there has been something He has recently been showing me from more than a couple of unrelated sources (don't you just love that). It is something which I can see is a character level thing and probably will have some real impact on my life, my walk and those around me. In my head I realized that the first time I saw it. And the second. And so on. But my response has not been to be content with that "head understanding" of what He has taken such pangs to reveal to me more than once. Instead my response to Him has been simple and direct. "I do not want this merely in my mind. I want this to be real, to understand and know this within my heart, not just thoughts in my head. Please God make this real, change me as only you can do." I have had several "talks" with Him that have gone very much like that.
See, someplace along the way, I came to a spot of not wanting to continue to suffer with whatever or of not wanting to possibly cause pain in others due to my unwillingness to, for lack of a better term here, go for it. Sure I know there can be some short term pain involved - change can be hard sometimes, but better short term once than that dull ache for years over and over again. Perhaps, as time has gone forward and I have gotten to know my Lord on a more personal level here, the desire to become more like Him has over ridden any fear of short term pain. Perhaps after seeing Him just "be there" without fail EVER over and over, I have become more willing to ignore the threat of fear or pain or change knowing that He will, again, be there.
Like I said before, I cannot say when that changed or with any solid reason why it changed other than it being a "God thing". I do however know it is necessary. Not just for me, but for you as well.
See as believers, we know (or tend to anyways) lots of scripture about how He will never leave us or forsake us. About how we are never alone in this world and how we are in the very palm of His hand and no one and nothing (not even our own stubbornness) can change that. All good stuff, but we tend to forget something.
1 Peter 1:24~"All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall"
Psalm 102:11~"My days are like the evening shadow; I wither away like grass."
There are other places as well, but those two should get the point across.
There is a part of us that is, in fact, immortal - part that will live on after our eyes close for that final time. But our eyes WILL close. Our life in and on this world does have an end. And we have NO IDEA when that end will come. God alone knows when the end of our days will be. So when He shows us something within ourselves, or someone whom He wants us to talk to or do something for, or maybe even some forgiveness issue that you have yet to deal with - perhaps a bit more urgency is in order. After all, not trying to be morbid here, but you and/or I could be gone from this life 5 minutes from now. We have no clue how long we have. There is a finite time in which He can show us "whatever or whomever" since we are finite.
Consider this on the heels of the above: say there is someone whom you keep being shown, whether that be in sharing the gospel or in a forgiveness setting or something else. If YOU are saved and die today you are with Him in glory. Yay for you (seriously). But - what happens if it is the other person whom passes away. What can you do then? I have little doubt that guilt will come calling in great measure. I do not know about you, but I am not overly fond of guilt.
The point is, don't wait. Honestly. If He wants to change you and He is showing you something, then go for it. Really. Better short term discomfort than missing a chance permanently. After all, we are hardly "here" forever - Philippians 3:20 "our citizenship is in heaven".
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