Why The "Panicking Christian"?

Like most Christians, I occasionally find myself in a borderline, all out panic about something which I already knew, but seem to have forgotten or that I only knew in my head, as opposed to my heart. And mercifully, God decides to show me what is really going on or what it is that I needed to know, before I completely lose my mind.

So the writing within is just that. It is that which God has shown and taught me while I was typically in one of those times in my life. Since the way in which He has chosen to reveal things to me tend to be fairly easy to follow and understand, I am sharing them via this format. That said, I take no glory for any of this. It is God whom has given me the ability to write, and it is He who has given me the content to write as well and He who saved me by His glorious grace in the first place.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How Bad Could it Be?

We know, or we should know anyways, just how bad off we were prior to salvation. But did you ever consider what things would have been like had God not intervened in our lives - had He not called us out.

Think about it a bit. I mean, in the bible we read about Paul saying he was "chief among sinners" and we can understand that since we know where he was from. But the other apostles were just as evil at heart as he was. Consider the life that John or Peter may have led if Jesus had not chosen them. Then consider your own life.

Consider all the vile things which you did and considered doing before you were saved. Now think about the temptations, thoughts and urges that come to your mind even now. Without the Spirit's power and the grace of God, what would be there to stop you from doing those very things? Really, think about it.

We kick ourselves (I know I do on occasion) when we are even tempted by some vile thought or urge, but if we did not have the grace of God actively in our lives, we would not merely think those things but do them. We are, after all, prone to going towards the bad over the good in our flesh.

Praise be to God that the work He had started within us at the moment of our salvation He did not abandon for we most definitely do know how to do evil, do we not.

So take a bit of heart in the knowledge that those thoughts and urges are just that. That while they are tempting in some measure (temptation is called such because it is tempting after all), that because of the work of the Spirit within us they stay as thoughts and urges, not manifested into action. And even those things which do get the better of us from time to time and we give into, are not near as vile as what we could and would do if not for the healing grace of God.

Just something to think about.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Learning to dance

(this is an older piece but thought it worth sharing)

Your instructor walks in and, after showing you the basics, starts to lead you through the steps.

Now you have three choices. One, you can focus all your attention on your own feet and the mistakes you are making, but you will not be watching them so you will not know where they are leading you next. Two, you can half watch your steps and theirs. But again, you are going to miss a lot of what they are doing, and therefore, get lost in the step fairly often. Lastly, you can focus all your attention on them. Granted you may make a few mistakes here and there, but you will see what they want you to do so eventually, you will be able to follow along much better.

So very many Christians can relate far too easily.

By the grace of God through the blood of our Savior, they get saved from death and freed from the power of sin in their lives.

But instead of focusing completely on Him and His leading, they keep looking at their sins. Not only those things in the past, but also, those things which they do wrong in the present as well. Some do nothing but look at sin. Those people cannot follow Him because they are not watching Him. Too concerned about themselves to put their eyes where they should be. Others try and do and "half and half" thing where they look up to see where He is leading once in a while, but keep their heads down the rest of the time. They do get to move forward a bit, but end up lost in the steps. Those remaining, they keep their eyes on our Lord and Him alone, not focusing on sins that have been forgiven or mistakes they may make along the way. Instead, with their eyes firmly locked upon Him, they move forward, staying on the straight path as they follow His lead.

Galatians 5:25 - "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit."

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Do the crime, do the time

No small number of people, when confronted with the gospel, will take the stance that they 'are a good person' or 'have not killed anybody' or one of the many other similar stances.

A few things to consider:

Keep in mind please that the "penalty of sin, is death".

You drive for 20 years perfectly. No fines. No tickets. No warnings.

The one day after having a few, you make a less than good decision and drive home. But you do not just drive home, you fly home through downtown at 130 endangering oodles of people, including yourself and your arresting officer.

Time for your day in court. Now then, do you think the judge is going to look at all your years of good driving and just let you away? Do you think he should? Of course not. You know, it would be nice if he did, but he should not nor will he. Fines, no license, and maybe depending on how unruly you were, a stay in the local jail.


You have done hoards and hoards of good works. You have given money to the poor. Been civically minded. Been polite, opened doors and overall, just been one of those people that others like to look up to.

But it has been a hard week, a bit stressful maybe. Then appears that one person from your past who has caused you the most grief and they are in your face alot. And you lose it. You snap for a brief moment, drive over to their place and give them a solid beating. Unfortunately a bit too solid and they die.

When you face the judge, will they look at your wonderful life and just let you walk away? Hey, it does happen right. And what is the opinion when it does? They did the crime, they should pay for it. You know it and so does everyone else. The fair, the just, decision is that you pay for taking a life. All the good you have done goes forgotten as you enter through the prison doors.

Maybe you have led a wonderful life. Maybe you have never killed anybody. Maybe, as far as you are concerned, you are no worse than anyone else.

Ever tell a lie? Even a white lie. Ever taken anything that was not yours to take? Paid less when you knew they cashier had a made a mistake and just enjoyed the bit of extra cash? Ever, even for a moment, glanced at that member of the opposite sex and thought to yourself "mmmmm..mmmm...mmm...would eat that with a spoon"? Well, those would be sins.

The penaly for sin is death and the one who judges is not swayed by politcal standings, the amount of cash you have, or what is socially acceptable at the moment. The decision is always fair and just. You do the crime, you pay for it. There is only one payment, one sentence.

So what you do think will happen, if you face the Judge alone, trying to stand on all the good stuff you did vs any bad there may have been? Should He just let you walk away, free and clear? You know that would not be fair anymore than someone who gets off with a murder that everyone knows they actually did. So you pay the price and your eternity is horrifying beyond anything you can possibly dream and remain sane.

But it does not have to be that way.

Someone is willing to speak for you. Someone is willing to take the rap for your crimes. Oh no, you do not deserve it. You should pay. But they are willing to because you mean more to them than their own life ever could. They would rather pay than suffer with the knowledge that you are suffering, whether you deserve it or not.

Jesus Christ paid the price for YOUR CRIMES so that you do not have to. If you are willing to LET Him, then yes, you will go FREE. Granted, you will owe Him EVERYTHING but you will be free and He will be happy.

Do not try and represent yourself. That tends to only go well in movies and tv shows. You will pay the price, to the fullest extent of the law.